It is normal to have normal stressors and worries that impact us day to day and those things that generally everybody worries about and is able to go about their day, work, family life with ease.
However, If you find that you have many worries about numerous things in your life that cause significant impairment in aspects of your life such as going to work, going to school, driving, flying in a plane, going out with friends. Perhaps you have worries about the future or your health that it causes you to feel anxious or react with strong emotions to others.
You may even have moments where you feel like your heart beats fast, you cant talk or you stumble on your words.
There are many types of anxiety that people experience. Social anxiety, general anxiety, phobias, health anxiety, and panic attacks.
Albert Einstein
At iMentalHealth Counselling in Saint Albert wants to help support you in learning how to cope with these signficant feelings of anxiety.
Lastly, it does not matter how much you talk your self or think your self out of anxiety, the body just starts responding. What we want to do is help you learn tools to settle and ground your self so that you can calm the nervous system down.
Sometimes that best place to start is to talk about and name some of the feelings and emotions that are going on with a therapist.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
We are located at 200 Carnegie Drive in Saint Albert, Alberta. We offer online and in person appointments.
Work with a local Psychologist because it is nice to have support in your own community.
Send us an email, call or book a consult on our booking app.
If you are unsure of which service area to book, you can simply book an individual or couples appointment and specify with your therapist in your intake what it is you are wanting to work on. Our categories are a way of helping explain our approach to different presenting issues. It is also not limited to these areas. Also if you are in need of immediate support please call the distress line or 811 to reach someone immediately. Thank you for visiting our site.